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Why this project?
The Town of Indian Trail is pleased to announce the Move IT Pedestrian Plan 2023 Report is available. The purpose of this study was to examine conditions for walking in and around Indian Trail and provide recommendations to improve the overall walking experience for all users.

This planning project assessed conditions and recommended policies and programs to make walking more desirable and convenient. The finished Plan recognizes the crucial role that walking plays in creating an attractive, accessible, safe, and healthy Town.
Why this webpage?
Your feedback was an essential element of this process, and this project webpage connected esidents and neighbors with the project team. This input guided the project team towards strategies that reflect community values and meet community goals.
There were many ways for residents and neighbors to get involved and stay engaged throughout the project. Visit the OUTREACH tab to learn more! Thank you once more, on behalf of the Town, NCDOT, and Stantec for your participation in planning Indian Trail's future pedestrian network.

What was the project timeline?
The project took place from Spring 2023 to Winter 2023/2024.